Immunity Enhancing Programs

Immunity Enhancing Programs

Chennai Heritage offers immunity enhancing promotive healthcare programs individualised to the needs of each patient. Leveraging the strength of Ayurveda and Siddha in helping the person retain good health and longevity, we have crafted a number of programs integrating Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Naturopathy, Diet, Fitness and relaxation.

The process for a full fledged immunity enhancing program begins with a detailed assessment of the risk profile of a person, by integrating the information obtained from a Master Health check-up which might have already been performed or specially ordered for, with a detailed Ayurvedic assessment of bodily constitution. A comprehensive profile is drawn-up and a detailed program is drawn up to mitigate the risks. The program is designed and delivered in several formats to suit the convenience of different categories of patients.

The interventions comprise of

Advice on Diet suited to one’s constitution.

Daily and Seasonal Routines and regimen.

Yoga & Fitness programs tailor-made for each person

Certain medicines to tune-up certain systems of the body or to correct the imbalances

Therapies are done for Detoxification, De-stressing and retarding Degeneration which help the immune system, slow down ageing and retard the progress of degeneration of the various tissues of the body and helps one keep himself mentally relaxed and fit.

One can choose the different formats like having a full program lasting two to three weeks in one shot once a year or to have two or three sessions lasting a week each or one session for a week to ten days followed by a few weekend sessions spread over the year. For extremely busy persons the therapy sessions can also be performed as extended weekend sessions spread through the year.

The interventions comprise of

    Comprehensive mind and body fitness programs

    Detoxification programs

    Stress relief programs

    Rejuvenation programs

    Anti-ageing program

    Program for cardiac health

    Weight management & Fitness program

    Skin and Beauty care program

    Women’s health program

    The Bone and Muscle Health Program