Chronic kidney diseases

This is a condition characterised by the gradual loss of function of one or both kidneys. Unfortunately, in most cases it goes undetected until it has reached the advanced level. In Chronic Kidney Disease kidneys loose their ability to eliminate unwanted materials and help balance fluids, electrolytes, and control production of RBC’s in the body.

There are multiple reasons for Chronic Kidney Disease that result in the destruction of nephrons (basic structural & functional unit of the kidney). It leads to the destruction of kidney mass resulting in hypertrophy (enlargement) of nephrons which in turn results in sclerosis (hardening of the kidney) and ends up in kidney failure.

Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

The culprit in the current scenario of chronic kidney disease in most of the cases is due to uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure and analgesic nephropathy. Addictions, diet involving high intake of animal protein, animal fat, acid producing foods and consumption of alcohol are major causative factors.

Other Causes of Chronic Kidney Failure

Polycystic Kidney Disease


Viral infections like HIV, Hepatitis B and C



Shortness of Breath, Lethargy, Mental confusion

Bad taste in the mouth, Feeling of coldness, Pain in flanks.

Abnormal Heart Rhythm, Abnormal Urine output with or without blood

Itching, Chest pain, High blood pressure, Swelling around ankles

With the current advancement in medical science, there are medical tests available which track your kidneys’ health by testing the parameters that cause Chronic Kidney Disease

Laboratory tests that confirms Chronic Kidney Disease
Blood tests such as:

Glomerular Filtration Rate.

Serum creatinine.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN).

Urine tests such as:

Urine Analysis: To analyze the constituents present in the urine like pus cells, glucose, proteins etc.

Urine protein: To determine albumin creatinine ratio.

Creatinine clearance: To determine the amount of blood being filtered through kidneys.

Effect of diabetes on kidneys

Studies have shown that 30% of the type 1 diabetes and 40% of type 2 diabetes patients will eventually suffer from kidney failure. So if your diabetes has still not taught you the discipline of taking regular medications, checkups, and dietary control, then the fate of your kidneys would end up in a dialysis or transplant.

Most often people are unaware of the relationship between kidneys and diabetes. To describe it in a simple manner, this is what happens to your kidneys when there is a prolonged exposure to glucose; the blood vessels in the kidneys would get damaged and the drainage mechanism is hampered, and the nerves too get affected and there will be difficulty in emptying the bladder. This increases the chances of urine backflow and can severely injure kidneys with infections.

Treatment methodology at Chennai Heritage for Chronic Kidney Disease

There are effective treatments in Ayurveda/Siddha for Chronic Kidney Disease and can avoid to some extent the stressful and expensive process of kidney transplant and dialysis. The change in lifestyle of people, intake of incompatible foods, constant intake of alcohol, tobacco, and stress contributes substantively to agni mandya , which is the root cause of many diseases. As per Ayurvedic point of veiw annavaha, rasavaha, udakavaha, medovaha, mutravaha and swedavaha srotodusti contribute to kidney failure.

The line of treatment for the management of Chronic Kidney Disease is virechana, swedana, mutrapravartaka, raktaprasadaka, agni deepana and sarva dhathu poshaka, also with strict pathya- apathyas. Ayurveda also preaches of Regenerative medicine under the topic of Rasayana Chikitsa which gives a scope for regenerate nephrons in Chronic Kidney Disease.

Suffering from CKD? Contact our expert team of doctors for getting rid of Piles the Ayurvedic / Siddha way! Book your appointment now for treatment! Or Schedule a Video Consultation!

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